Prints the list of servers with the number of free hosting slots in each.
Where can it be used?: any channel
Arguments: No arguments required.
Creates a game channel to discuss settings before actually hosting a game.
Where can it be used?: guild channel
Claims a submitted pretender. Gives access to turn backups or turn reminders.
Where can it be used?: game channel
Permanently deletes the game hosted in this channel, as well as the channel itself.
Permanently deletes the game hosted in this channel, while leaving the channel intact.
Deletes the last channel that was created via the createchannel command.
[Guild-owner-only] Deploy bot channels and roles. Can be used to restore categories and roles.
Prints a list of the Dominions 5 or 6 maps available on the given server.
Prints a list of the Dominions 5 or 6 mods available on the given server.
Prints a list of all the Dominions 5 or 6 nations and their nation_numbers and filenames.
Check (when used without arguments) or change the default timer.
[Game-organizer-only] In a game channel, forces a turn to roll immediately.
Prints a list of all hosted games in this Discord guild, or all games if the command is sent by DM.
Print a list of the available commands.
Host a Dominions 5 or 6 game. You will be asked a series of settings by DM to configure it.
In a game channel, prints this game's information and settings.
Shuts down the game's process. Useful to relaunch it to fix common errors. Doesn't delete anything.
Prints a list of hosted games in this guild, or all games if sent by DM, sorted by last turn date.
In a game channel, launches a game's process. Use if the bot mentions the game being offline.
In a game channel, launches a game's process. Use if the bot mentions the game being offline. Where can it be used?: game channel
Prints a link to the Patreon for those who wish to support the project. Thank you!
Displays the player game preferences menu (global preferences if used by DM).
Displays a list of submitted pretenders. Use their numbers for other pretender commands.
In a game channel, removes a submitted pretender for this game.
[Guild-owner-only] Replaces one of the bot roles by a different existing role.
TYPE: ROLE - The bot's role id to be replaced.
TYPE: ROLE - The new role's id to take its place.
[Organizer-only] Assigns a new port to the game (or the same one if it's found to be free).
Restablishes a game's deleted channel and/or role by creating new ones if none are found.
[Game-organizer-only] Restarts the game back to the pretender lobby; players must resubmit.
Rolls dice.
Arguments: Where can it be used?: game channel
[Game-organizer-only] Rollbacks to the previous turn. Only keeps backups of a few turns back.
Get current turn's scores file. Only available if visible scoregraphs, or games which have ended.
Sets a member as the organizer of this game. If an organizer exists; replaces them.
[Game-organizer-only] Change game settings, provided the game hasn't started yet.
Shuffles a list of space-separated elements, i.e. mentions to members to create a draft order.
[Game-organizer-only] Starts the game. Can take long depending on size (even > 20 minutes).
[Game-organizer-only] Transfers the claim on a pretender to another player.
TYPE: INTEGER - A nation number that matches the pretender's index displayed by the pretenders command.
TYPE: USER - A mention to the player who will be taking over (@Username#0000).
Assigns yourself the role of the game. Claiming a pretender assigns it automatically.
[Game-organizer-only] Switches from bot-enforced timer to game-enforced timer, and vice versa.
Check (when used without arguments) or change the timer of the current turn.
[Game-player-only] Requests the claimed nation's current turn file, which is then sent by DM.
Removes your claim from your submitted pretender (without deleting the submitted pretender).
[Guild-owner-only] CAREFUL. Will attempt to delete ALL deployment from bot.
In a game channel, prints a list nations whose turns' are undone or unfinished.
Removes the role of a game from yourself. Unclaiming/removing pretender does this.
Upload map or mod to the server through google drive.
TYPE: STRING - The type of file you're uploading
TYPE: STRING - A google drive file ID or link.
TYPE: STRING - A server's name.